Showing 313 Result(s)

Buffalo Wings with Ranch – USA

Flavor: Buffalo Wings with Ranch Country: USA When Seen: March 2020 In a Bite: Tart, buffalo wings sauce flavor with a tiny bit of heat at the end. In a Haiku: Bye sauce-stained sofa! Watch the game without the mess. And keep your marriage. Origin Story: Buffalo wings are messy. The sauce drips everywhere. Plus, …

Spicy lobster flavor

Spicy Lobster – Thailand

Flavor: Spicy Lobster Country: Thailand When Seen: July 2019 In a Bite: Untasted. Have you tried it? Email us and tell us what you thought. In a Haiku: Homarus on chip, with a splash of chili sauce. Taste the cash savings. Origin Story: Let’s face it, real lobsters–not rock lobsters–are super expensive in Thailand, and …

Jamon serrano flavor

Jamón Serrano – Argentina

Flavor: Jamón Serrano Country: Argentina When Seen: February 2020 In a Bite: We’re told it has a very mild BBQ flavor. In a Haiku: Mountain cured pig’s leg. Ubiquitous across Spain. Now in crunchy form. Origin Story: Rumor has it that a rogue member of the Fundación Jamón Serrano Español, the body that led the …

Flamin' hot dill pickle flavor

Flamin’ Hot Dill Pickle – USA

Flavor: Flamin’ Hot Dill Pickle Country: USA When Seen: February 2020 In a Bite: Definitely spicy, followed by sour and dill. In a Haiku: These chips are dill-ish. And will set your tongue a-blazin’. Spicy yet sour. Origin Story: Apparently the regular dill pickle flavor was not exciting for some American consumers, so the Flavor …

Hot pot flavor

Numb & Spicy Hotpot – China

Flavor: Numb & Spicy Hotpot Country: China When Seen: February 2020 In a Bite: BBQ taste, followed by mild tingling and numbness on the tongue. In a Haiku: Cannot feel your tongue? It’s not anaphylaxis. Just the peppercorn. Origin Story: While the English translation might not inspire confidence, this flavor makes use of Sichuan/Szechuan peppercorns, …

Khua kling curry pizza flavor

Khua Kling Curry Pizza – Thailand

Flavor: Khua Kling Curry Pizza Country: Thailand When Seen: January 2020 In a Bite: Meaty upfront, fading into tomato sauce, chased by a tingly minty feeling on the tongue, and topped off with a final spicy note. In a Haiku: The fusion you want. Or maybe dread later. It’s curry pizza! Origin Story: Another creation …

Saengawa prawn salad flavor

Saengwa Prawn Salad – Thailand

Flavor: Saengwa Prawn Salad Country: Thailand When Seen: January 2020 In a Bite: Untasted. Have you tried it? Email us and tell us what you thought. In a Haiku: No shrimp heads tonight. The essence of royal food, without pretension. Origin Story: This dish, originally associated with palace cuisine, has been prepared for the Lay’s …

Flaming hot flavor

Flamin’ Hot – USA

Flavor: Flamin’ Hot Country: USA When Seen: January 2020 In a Bite: A bit tangy at first, followed by a mild spicy smack in the back of your throat a few seconds later. In a Haiku: Like a flat Cheeto, crunchier without the air, it’s tart and tingly. Origin Story: The Lay’s Flavor Department took …